Map & Buses
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Free Shuttle Buses

Shuttle buses will operate Noon to 10:30 pm from the Monomoy Regional Middle School, making a loop to the Main St. Rotary and back, making the stops listed below. All stops have a sign as shown and a bench. One bus is handicapped accessible.

Shuttle buses will operate Noon to 10:30 pm from the Monomoy Regional Middle School, making a loop to the Main St. Rotary and back, making the stops listed below. All stops have a sign as shown and a bench. One bus is handicapped accessible.
The following are the bus stops along this route:
- Monomoy Regional Middle School
- Chatham Drama Guild (opposite side of street, as bus heads toward town)
- Unitarian Universalist Meeeting House
- Stage Harbor Rd., at the rotary next to former Rockland Bank.
- Chatham Elementary School (Depot Rd.)
- Monomoy Regional Middle School
Monomoy Regional Middle School – Crowell Road
Elementary School – Depot Road
Town Parking Lot – behind Ben Franklin
Oyster Pond Beach Parking Lot
Eldredge Garage Parking Lot (365 Main St.)
Public Rest Rooms
Rear Outside of Chatham Town Hall (Accessible)
Town Parking Lot adjacent to St. Christopher’s Church
Kate Gould Park
Eldredge Garage Parking Lot (365 Main St.)